>Lou makes no effort to outline a route from present conditions to ideally
>desirable locations, and this blank in his arguments allows him to leap
>back and forth depending on what kind of criticism he is responding to.

Such an effort would be pointless. If there was a revolution in the United
States, any intelligent leader would turn over such matters to experts. For
example, Daniel Ortega did not have a clue how to organize the Nicaraguan
economy but he turned to Carl Oquist, an American economist, to supervise
planning and national investment. I have a general sense of what is needed,
but it would be wrong for me to write up schemas like Michael Albert and
Robin Hahnel who have a chapter on "Consumption Norms" in their "Looking
Forward". It is up to the people to democratically decide how land and
water is used and to what ends. I have full confidence that if the American
people ever reach the political clarity necessary to overthrow the
capitalist system, they will also make the right decisions about how food
is grown.

>This mistake or dull joke of yours will probably make possible some other
>diversion by Lou, which in turn will make possible another irrelevant
>sneer by Doug . . .and so it goes. In any case no serious discussion either
>of desirable agricultural methods *or* of how we get from here to there
>will result.

You are the worst enemy of serious discussion by personalizing matters in
the way that you do. Why don't you study some of the literature on these
matters. It is far more interesting than the email that comments on them,
largely based on ignorance I'm afraid.

Louis Proyect
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