In the U.S., the oil industry is hungering after the California coast and Alaska.

Ken Hanly wrote:

> Why would not both happen simultaneously? And why do you assume that the drilling 
> be on fragile ecosystems? It would make extraction from large but low grade deposits
> such as the Alberta Tar Sands more economical and injection etc. that recovers more 
> from wells that are running out.
>   Cheers, Ken Hanly
> Michael Perelman wrote:
> > Regarding Ken's assumption that higher prices will bring new energy forms on line,
> > the first effect will be to open up fragile ecosystems to oil drilling, causing 
> > problems elsewhere.
> > --
> > Michael Perelman
> > Economics Department
> > California State University
> > Chico, CA 95929
> >
> > Tel. 530-898-5321

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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