Eugene  Coyle wrote:
>      Don't you see that Bartlett is defending Capitalism?


There are 2 kinds of people: those who understand the problem and those who
are part of it. Bartlett understands the problem. If you read what he says,
he says inter alia that 'there is no population problem: there is an
AMERICAN population problem because Americans use 30x as much energy as
everybody else'. Bartlett understands that the problem is capitalism, even
if he might have a difficulty which only Doyle Saylor could anaylse, in
actually pronouncing the word 'capitalism'.

Daydreamers like Dennis Redmond and Doug Henwood are having amiably inane
conversations about 'the next great upswing', while the planet is burning
around them. Mine Doyran is twitching her bottom on a library stool
somewhere because someone mentioned the word population. I used to have the
same argument with the beloved Yoshie who once called me a racist because I
wrote about 'surplus population', until I pointed out that the coinage was
Marx's; I guess she must of went away and read Marx because now she too
talks about 'surplus population'. Doug is a political voyeur, who reported
on Seattle, DC, etc, and then came back and reported equally well on
Tulipomania, the latest silly headlines, Zizek's latest silly 'text' etc,
instead of doing what he should and could do, ie, show commitment and start
ORGANISING. Michael Perelman, whose book Invention of Capitalism I'm just
serialising on the CrashList, so let no-one say I don't like him, I do, I
really do, nonetheless has arguments about energy which go like this: what
is a waterfall? What is differential rent? What is absolute rent? Gimme a
break, Michael.

Get with the programme, all of you. Get with the programme.

Mark Jones

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