Stephen E Philion wrote:

> Lately I'm convinced the definition of Marxist on this list for some has
> become, 'I like  xx, therefore they are Marxist.'

I have been following this thread, but if what Steve says is correct, it is a
serious error because it leaves too much room for the opposite error, "I don't
like xx, and therefore it is Marxist," or "It is Marxist and therefore I don't
like it." An essential part of the battle against anti-communism is that
propositions be debated on their merits, not on whether a label applies to them or
not. And just as we should view with contempt the argument that because such &
such is marxist (or stalinist) it is *therefore* wrong, so we should avoid the
argument that because x is marxist it is therefore right.
(When a discussion is confined to those who are both marxist *and*, more
importantly, do share pretty much their conceptions of marxism, then use of the
label purely as shorthand is quite reasonable.)


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