Louis Proyect wrote:

>>Hey, that's why Schama has a big-ticket multimedia deal with Tina Brown for
>>a history of Britain. You think Cronon or Hughes will be hearing from Tina
>I don't understand why these sort of things are of interest to you. I can't
>forget how you obsessed [and jealous?] you were over the big advance
>Stanley Aronowitz got for his latest book. I am afraid that the glitterati
>circles you travel in tend to make you focus on questions that could be
>less important to a plebian like myself. I am obsessed with things that can
>not be priced, such as peace and social justice.

Ok, let me ascend from the gossip pages and put my point in plain English.
Simon Schama is a right-wing scholar in the pay of the ruling class. The
other people we've been talking about aren't. Your bringing in quotes by
and about Schama is irrelevant and can only be meant as a caricature of or
a slur against people you disagree with - either that, or you can't tell
the difference between people you disagree with.


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