>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/31/00 08:57PM >>>
>Actually there was serious content to what  you perceived as a piece 
>of wisecrack. Yoshie & I have long argued over uncertainty and 
>self-questioning. I think it's a good thing, and she doesn't. I like 
>to quote a remark by an Australian scholar of cultural studies & 
>feminism, Catherine Driscoll, that she's not finished with a paper 
>until she knows what questions to ask her answers. I think that's a 
>great piece of wisdom, and Yoshie doesn't.

I don't think it's a matter of whether "uncertainty" & 
"self-questioning" are good things.  The point is that we are 
basically incapable of self-criticism. 


CB: We are dependent upon others for criticism. This is one of the "advantages" of the 
human individual being a social individual. Through this socialality, we have some of 
the power of seeing ourselves as others see us, including criticizing us, seeing our 
blinds spots. 


 We can't see our own blind 
spots, unless others (be they live human beings or dead authors) 
point them out, and when they do, we don't accept criticisms easily 
(we normally shoot down the message as well as the messenger).  We 
only accept criticisms from comrades whom we like, respect, etc., not 
from our enemies.  And once we overcome our blind spots (after much 
struggles), we can then "criticize" them, but in that case, it is 
only our "now enlightened" selves criticizing our "former ignorant" 
selves.  Think Thomas Kuhn's paradigm shifts here.

Anyhow, I don't know what Catherine exactly means by working on her 
paper until "what questions to ask her answers," but I hope her 
thoughts are not similar to Lionel Trilling's:

*****   The New York Times
July 29, 2000, Saturday, Late Edition - Final
SECTION: Section B; Page 9; Column 5; Arts & Ideas/Cultural Desk
HEADLINE: Dated? Perhaps, But His Insights Remain Powerful

In a new collection of essays about Trilling -- "Lionel Trilling and 
the Critics: Opposing Selves" -- even the editor, John Rodden, 
acknowledges that for many contemporary readers Trilling may seem 
"little more than a curiosity of literary history, a period piece." 
His prose style can only accentuate the impression of things long 
past: it is almost baroque in its winding, hesitating, qualifying, 
venturing gestures. The words "variety," "difficulty," "modulation," 
"complexity" abound. Each phrase is limpid, but the arguments 
themselves are tentative, often ambiguous.

So faded has his intellectual aura become that it provides no 
immunity from the recent biographical accounts by members of his 
family. His widow, Diana Trilling, in her 1993 memoir, "The Beginning 
of the Journey," recalled his anguished depressions, petty squabbles 
and nasty outbursts. In the journal The American Scholar, his son, 
James Trilling, recently suggested that his father's behavior and 
intellectual style were consistent with a psychological diagnosis of 
attention deficit disorder.

Yet Mr. Rodden's anthology reminds a reader that Trilling was 
complicated enough to be hailed by such disparate figures as Edmund 
Wilson and Irving Kristol. A second, more significant, new anthology, 
"The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent," edited by Leon Wieseltier, 
shows just how much is at stake. It is the most capacious and pungent 
single volume of Trilling's work ever published, with writings 
spanning his entire
career: classic essays on the Kinsey Report, on Wordsworth, on Jane 
Austen and on Kipling. It also includes Trilling's magisterial 
discussion of Henry James's novel "The Princess Casamassima."

What gives these pieces enduring importance is not Trilling's 
judgment that the Kinsey Report fetishizes science or that Kipling 
gave nationalism a bad name. The essays' subjects really were 
occasions for Trilling to brood on much larger themes that, far from 
being dated or quaint, have lost none of their urgency.

"The Liberal Imagination," for example, was partly a critical 
response to the Stalinism that tinged the era's liberalism. But in 
the book's influential preface Trilling uncovered deeper tensions 
within liberalism itself. One of the great achievements of modern 
times, he suggested, was the liberal conception of humanity: the view 
that there were universal and inalienable human rights, and that the 
powers of reason could both honor those rights and eradicate the 
world's evils.

The problem, Trilling went on, was that liberalism, in its search for 
freedom and justice, had to exert power; it required legislation and 
organization. Stalinism was an extreme oversimplification of 
liberalism, one in which the social engineering was ruthless. But 
even democratic liberalism, Trilling believed, exhibited a simplified 
view of the world and an unwavering conviction about how the world 
might be regulated. Since these qualities of simplification and 
certainty were themselves illiberal, the enlargement of freedom 
risked producing a contraction of freedom. "Some paradox of our 
natures," Trilling wrote, "leads us, when once we have made our 
fellow men the objects of our enlightened interest, to go on to make 
them the objects of our pity, then of our wisdom, ultimately of our 

The impact on the mind could be even more baleful. The ambition of 
rationally reforming society tended to minimize the importance of the 
inner life, shrinking the conception of the mind. All dark desires, 
untamable impulses, ambivalent feelings and contradictory thoughts 
would then be considered failures of the outside world, imperfections 
in the social order that could be controlled or legislated away. In 
this way, liberalism risked evolving into doctrinaire puritanism -- 
or worse.

Such was liberalism's great temptation, in Trilling's view (a view he 
shared with Isaiah Berlin). "Life presses us so hard," he wrote, 
"time is so short, the suffering of the world is so huge, simple, 
unendurable -- anything that complicates our moral fervor in dealing 
with reality as we immediately see it and wish to drive headlong upon 
it must be regarded with some impatience." And while liberalism was, 
in its adversary position toward the world, a transforming force, it 
was also, in its adversary position toward the mind, a limiting force.

This is where literature came in. Trilling suggested that the 
variousness of literature could help shape the liberal imagination, 
that it could temper impatient liberal objectives with reminders of 
the complexities of the inner life and encourage a "moral realism" 
that could soften the demands of "moral righteousness." Literature 
would not serve the adversary culture; it would humanize it.

Because of this extended skepticism about liberalism, Trilling was 
often attacked by liberals for being a conservative and attacked by 
conservatives for not being sufficiently forthright. During the 
1960's, for example, he grimly but cautiously criticized the 
counterculture for turning liberalism's adversary position into 
sweeping orthodoxies. His arguments for rejecting the simple 
formulations of radical liberalism did indeed have conservative 
implications, emphasizing limits more than possibilities. But 
Trilling would also have objected to the conservative impulse to 
simplify the relationships he perceived. Who in the midst of such 
complexity could afford the certainty of self-righteousness, let 
alone a declaration of allegiance? Complexity was Trilling's 
prescription for all political positions; ambiguity was the solution. 
Moral realism is a balancing act.

The sociologist Richard Sennett once accused Trilling of refusing to 
take a stand during the tumult of the 1960's and the crises at 
Columbia University.

"You have no position," Mr. Sennett declared. "You are always in between."

"Between," Trilling replied, "is the only honest place to be."

However honest, though, it does not make things easy. In Trilling's 
brilliant examination of "The Princess Casamassima," the hero, 
Hyacinth, poor and ill-educated, is drawn to two different worlds -- 
one of political radicalism in which great personal sacrifice is 
required in the name of moral good, the other of aesthetic refinement 
in which the greatest achievements of Europe are presented for his 
delectation. He realizes that there is no separating the inequities 
from the great works, but then how can he be true both to his 
radicalism and to his aesthetic perceptions? The novel's greatness, 
in Trilling's view, comes from its refusal to answer the question 
clearly; the tension is potentially tragic. Trilling saw Hyacinth as 
a version of Henry James, but he may have also seen him as a 
reflection of himself, desperately trying to stake out a "between."

This is one reason that reading Trilling remains so unsettling. He 
provides no firm place to stand. Despite his powerful analysis of 
liberalism, his emphasis on complexity often becomes too sweeping a 
response to every belief. It is partly a retreat from the world, a 
declaration of its untenable tensions. But his portrait of the 
American democratic mind, imperially pious one minute, queasily 
unsteady the next, illiberally making demands in the name of virtue 
and liberally tolerating virtue's ambiguities, celebrating reason 
while distrusting its demands -- this mind remains as current now as 
it was then. It is as familiar and as strange as Trilling's prose. 

What's good in a novel isn't always good for politics.


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