Charles Brown wrote, responding to Yoshie:

>I don't think it's a matter of whether "uncertainty" &
>"self-questioning" are good things.  The point is that we are
>basically incapable of self-criticism.
>CB: We are dependent upon others for criticism. This is one of the 
>"advantages" of the human individual being a social individual. 
>Through this socialality, we have some of the power of seeing 
>ourselves as others see us, including criticizing us, seeing our 
>blinds spots.

The more I think about this, the more I wonder: if we are basically 
incapable of self-criticism, does that counsel extreme certainty or 
extreme uncertainty? If I thought I had no way of evaluating the 
wisdom or accuracy of what I think and feel, then it might make me 
even more tentative in my thoughts and feelings than if I thought I 
had some capacity for self-criticism. Why foist something on the 
world if you don't have the slightest idea if it's fully baked or not?


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