      Damned difficult in most institutions in the US 
for a principles course these days.  Not so difficult
in other courses, such as contemporary issues
or some other ones.
      Also depends a lot on the institution.  A lot more
acceptable in most countries outside the US, although,
again very difficult in some and generally getting more
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
From: charlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 3:00 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:939] Econ texts - possible to teach Marx seriously?

>Is it possible to teach a Marxist theory of value today in an
>undergraduate course, as a matter of academic politics? One
>purpose of my new book, From Capitalism to Equality, is to offer
>a serious introduction to the theory and to show that it explains
>capitalist economies and gives you tools for understanding new
>developments in them. The book is just out, so I hope someone on
>PEN-L can take the plunge and use it in a course.
>For more on the book, see
>Charles Andrews

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