Don't worry, I don't think he is...

Max Sawicky wrote:

> If DN made inferences about black/white marginal productivity from a
> specification like this, I'm not sure I want him on my side.
> mbs
> > Q = f([white male labor input], [black male labor input], [white female
> labor
> > input], [black female labor input], [other labor input, I assume], capital
> input)
> >
> > Assume Q = [input 1] ^B1 x [input 2] ^B2 x ... x [input n] ^Bn is the form
> for n
> > inputs, and use translog methods to estimate the B's.  Evaluate at the
> actual
> > levels of factor inputs to get marginal productivities.  {Q here means
> value of
> > output, by the way.  Q and the inputs are vectors whose elements are
> detailed
> > industries.}

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