>At 07:33 PM 09/11/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>But the idea that it is no business of the rest of us what 
>>dictators do to their own people *is* positively, totally, utterly, 
>>completely nutso.
>This kind of dogmatic style is a total turn-off, simply a way of 
>shutting off any further discussion...

In my experience, people who jump to the level of 
meta-discussion--urge that others be filtered, urge that others be 
excluded, talk about issues of discursive process, condemn others for 
style--do so primarily in an attempt to *avoid* a substantive 

Please don't remain at what I see as the sterile and pointless level 
of meta-discourse.

Please return to the level of substantive discussion: Your claim that 
Argentina's internal arrangements are no business of any 
non-Argentine is truly remarkable and extraordinary. Defend your 
belief: tell us why you think dictators have a valid hunting license 
to turn their countries into free-fire zones for their amusement, 
with no one else having the right to say "boo."

Brad DeLong

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