At 10:00 AM 9/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>The subject of Yugoslavia is so contentious, that I suspect that we will not
>>get very far here.  Whatever Milosovic's economic
>>achievements might be, I abhor the nationalism that he represented.  The US
>>has succeeded in demonizing M...
>Milosevic demonized himself.
>How short memories are...

Did Clinton demonize himself when he destroyed the medicine factory in the 
Sudan to distract us all from Monicagate? How short memories are.

Why aren't the wonderful folks of the KLA/UCK considered "demons," given 
the way that they're ethnically cleansing Kosova/o these days?

I think that who is and who is not a "demon" depends on one's political 
perspective.  Milosevic is an official demon, as determined by Albright _et 
al_ whereas Clinton and the KLA/UCK have not been given the official demon 
tiara as yet.


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