Jim Devine says:

>At 10:00 AM 9/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>>The subject of Yugoslavia is so contentious, that I suspect that we will not
>>>get very far here.  Whatever Milosovic's economic
>>>achievements might be, I abhor the nationalism that he represented.  The US
>>>has succeeded in demonizing M...
>>Milosevic demonized himself.
>>How short memories are...
>Did Clinton demonize himself when he destroyed the medicine factory 
>in the Sudan to distract us all from Monicagate? How short memories 
>Why aren't the wonderful folks of the KLA/UCK considered "demons," 
>given the way that they're ethnically cleansing Kosova/o these days?
>I think that who is and who is not a "demon" depends on one's 
>political perspective.  Milosevic is an official demon, as 
>determined by Albright _et al_ whereas Clinton and the KLA/UCK have 
>not been given the official demon tiara as yet.

Indeed -- therefore, with regard to Srebrenica, nobody here is likely 
to remember Nasir Oric, I presume.


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