>  >If you think there's no difference between a Clinton-Gore EPA and a
>>Bush-Cheny EPA you need to have your brain overhauled.
>Brad: Surely by now you have caught the point: people don't feel there is
>ENOUGH of a difference

If the issues are that important, then even small differences are 
important enough to swing your vote--unless you are clueless indeed.

>to endure a permanent abandonment by the Democratic
>Party of many of its core values in the face of serious underlying shifts
>in the American economy and society (short term booms not withstanding).
>Surely you can imagine a different set of preferences over a longer 
>time frame?
>For years now I have had to listen to the Clinton-Gore operatives tell me
>that I didn't understand real politics.  Now it turns out THEY were the
>ones who miscalculated.  More then a million people have 'defected' and who
>do they to blame?  Can't be they 'triangulated' a little too close?  No,
>its the one million people who are too purist and expect too much.
>In fact it was their blind arrogance...

You shoot yourself in the foot and then look around for someone else to blame?

Why not be an adult, recognize that there is a big difference between 
a Clinton-Gore EPA and a Bush-Cheney EPA, and admit you fucked up?

Take some responsibility for the actions of your faction. Be a grown 
up. If you want to make the world a better place, do politics for 
real. If you'd rather express yourself, go join a theater troop 

Brad DeLong

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