In his series of pro-Gore flames [*], Brad wrote:
 >If you think there's no difference between a Clinton-Gore EPA and a
 >Bush-Cheny EPA you need to have your brain overhauled.

One nice thing about the US election being over (and I really, really wish 
it were) is that we won't have to read or hear snide and insulting comments 
from the "liberal" Democratic Party faithful. I usually don't quote 
Christopher Hitchens, a definitely weird person, but I think the following 
is apt. Looking at it from the point of view of those of us who don't toe 
the two-party line, "You can't do anything about the powers that be, the 
Gores and Bushes who are insulated from democracy in a 'lockbox.' But you 
can take a high and righteous tone with those who might spoil everything by 
voting for Nader. It's not enough that the two-party machine has all the 
money at its disposal and all the press and media, too. It still needs 
courageous volunteers to ram its message home. These unctuous surrogates 
seek to persuade us that, though we have no power, we can and should be 
held responsible." [the NATION, November 6, 2000, p. 9] I wouldn't use the 
word "unctuous," though. I think "smug" is better.

BTW, in some ways it's good that Nader didn't get 5%. I can't think of a 
better way to convert the Greens (a very grass-roots movement) into an 
organization with nothing but an office and a mailing list (and run in a 
dictatorial way by the Big Name leaders and the national office staff) than 
to co-opt them into the Federal Electoral system. Also, the kind of 
conflict that destroyed the Reform Party is encouraged. Every mushroom 
cloud has a silver lining...

[*] I know they were flames, because this version of Eudora flags such 

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & "Segui il
tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way and let people talk.)
-- K. Marx, paraphrasing Dante A.

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