Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> Nathan:
> >The continual evasion by Nader and other Green supporters for the results of
> >their leadership and actions is incredibly distressing on that point.

Nathan, do all voters to the left of Calvin Coolidge belong to you Democrats by
devine right or something/ How dare you assume that anyone for any reason *owes*
you a vote. Geez! It is absolutely bizarre that a loser should whine about those
who hate him not voting for him. How dare you say that I should vote for a war
criminal just to please your dainty political palate. The incredible arrogance of
it all.

Incredible stress does not begin to pay the proper penalty for such arrogance. I'm
going to spend my leisure moments for the next four years chortling about how the
Democrats think that we *owe* them a vote withour their lifting a finger to earn
it. It's going to be a lovely four years.

Where in the Constitution does it say that any American *owes* a vote to anyone?
Gee Whiz!


> I far
> >prefer Carroll forthright joy in undercutting Gore -- at least that is taking
> >responsibility that others can evaluate and decide is either worthwhile or
> >worth rejecting.
> I'd rather see Gore supporters taking responsibility for scaring a
> good number of potential Third Party supporters into wasting their
> votes on the loser.
> Yoshie

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