Brad, I have no objection to calling someone off the list, whether it be
Nader or Gore.  I do object to you or anybody else is being antagonistic to
people on the list.

Brad DeLong wrote:

> >Brad,
> >
> >There's no place here for calling people

[I should have added "on the list" here]

> incompetent.  I voted for
> As for Nader... You somehow think that the left in America is
> stronger today because Nader won 3% of the vote. You are wrong.

We can disagree.  I would have preferred that he won 51%, but that is
another mattr.

> Nader's 3% isn't the "cold shower" to make the core Democratic
> politicians rethink their allegiance to the DLC. Instead, it is a
> weak showing that confirms it. Look: 3% of the electorate is--by the
> standards of past third-party efforts, whether Perot or Wallace or
> even John Anderson--extremely unimpressive.

Anderson and Perot got to the debates.

> What would you suggest I call this refusal to recognize that, for the
> American left, yesterday was a strong and significant defeat?



Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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