BDL>You think that Nader's 3% showing is impressive?

I don't know; do you think Rosa Parks was impressive or was that too, a
one-shot prisoners dilemma type game? We won't go into, why, if N was so
ultimately empty a threat, your religious group and that other church worked
tirelessly to keep him out of the debates.

"Any attempt to develop a critique of the basic structures and principles of
a society involves of necessity transgressing and trespassing against the
Happy Consciousness. There are not only glass ceilings but glass walls that
define the accepted corridors of thought. Young aggressive professors in
economics and other social sciences are usually equipped with uncanny radar
so they can roar down the corridor of orthodox thought without ever getting
close to breaking through the walls--all the while seeing themselves as
brash free thinkers exploring the vast unknown." [David Ellerman]

Feudalism will never end,


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