>>The person whom I've called "incompetent" most often during the 
>>past week has been Al Gore. I presume you have no objection to me 
>>calling him "incompetent"? That it all depends on to whom the names 
>>are applied?
>>As for Nader... You somehow think that the left in America is 
>>stronger today because Nader won 3% of the vote. You are wrong.
>>Nader's 3% isn't the "cold shower" to make the core Democratic 
>>politicians rethink their allegiance to the DLC. Instead, it is a 
>>weak showing that confirms it. Look: 3% of the electorate is--by 
>>the standards of past third-party efforts, whether Perot or Wallace 
>>or even John Anderson--extremely unimpressive.
>actually, i've been meaning to ask about this 3%.
>when was the 5% rule enacted?
>I haven't look terribly hard, but how much bigger than normal was 
>turnout?  if it was substantially bigger, then the 3% isn't bad and 
>may actually  have been pretty respectable were this a "normal" 50% 
>turnout of the eligible to vote population.

Good point...

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