Brad, hang it up. The thing is, we don't accept your iron cage. We don't 
accept defeat. We won't go away. Maybe we're mad, whether happy or not, but 
you won't make nice but unhappy liberals out of us. We don't register our 
suceess by our influence on the DLC. What matters is a popular movement. 
Whether that happens only after the election will show. Btw, if we are so 
deluded, why do you hang out with us, rather than with your sane liberal 
friends? And stop blaming Nader for your guy's inadequacies. If he loses, 
_he_ blew a near-sure thing. Don't look to us, we do not share his values 
and priorities, to pull your chestnuts out of the fire. --jks

>From: Brad DeLong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [PEN-L:4158] Re: Stop the name calling
>Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 20:45:46 -0800
>>There's no place here for calling people incompetent.  I voted for
>>Nader.  I would not have changed my vote even if it could've been
>>decisive for electing Gore.  I believe in the cold shower.  You don't.
>>That's no reason to be nasty toward other people.
>The person whom I've called "incompetent" most often during the past
>week has been Al Gore. I presume you have no objection to me calling
>him "incompetent"? That it all depends on to whom the names are
>As for Nader... You somehow think that the left in America is
>stronger today because Nader won 3% of the vote. You are wrong.
>Nader's 3% isn't the "cold shower" to make the core Democratic
>politicians rethink their allegiance to the DLC. Instead, it is a
>weak showing that confirms it. Look: 3% of the electorate is--by the
>standards of past third-party efforts, whether Perot or Wallace or
>even John Anderson--extremely unimpressive.
>And in the process he has thrown the election to the right-wing
>candidate, with important differences over the next four years for
>the Supreme Court... the EPA... the EITC... the size of government...
>the likelihood of Medicare expansion... Medicaid funding... and a
>host of others.
>This the left has sacrificed significantly as far as what policies
>are going to be over the next four years by throwing the election to
>Bush. And for what? To  convince everyone in America that the left is
>weak. The DLC today is stronger than it was a week ago.
>What would you suggest I call this refusal to recognize that, for the
>American left, yesterday was a strong and significant defeat?
>Brad DeLong

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