> It is interesting how narcissistic this list has become -- totally 
> focussed on the US and the selection of its imperial majesty.
> Now I realize how important American domestic politics is for the 
> rest of the world -- since domestic politics in the US can result in 
> thousands of deaths of innocents around the world.  But does this 
> mean we should lament the loss of Gore (adequately named?) 
> since the Democrats have been the leading force of American 
> Imperialism in this century?  Perhaps those of us outside the US 
> would rather see American capital beat up American workers rather 
> than combine to beat up workers in the rest of the world.
> Paul Phillips,

Be it resolved:
That since everyone (US and non-US) is told incessantly that US prez is 
"most powerful elected official in world"


That since above is unfortunately true *and* really fuckin' dangerous

Everyone, everywhere on earth has right to vote for chief 
representative and guardian of capitalism....  Michael Hoover

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