>>It also seems inconsistent, in light of your defense
of the white radicals in Seattle.  Their profile on
race issues was no better than Nader's.  Of course,
they didn't go so far as to suggest taking a vote
away from Gore and giving it to Nader.  All they
did was block streets and break windows.  It seems
that this went down better with Clinton and Gore
and yourself than the Nader Campaign.


Hey, the whitey's in Seattle took some very big steps today to reverse their
inattentiveness to race issues. And if we're lucky, there will be a lot of
$$$ flowing to activists to further the process; especially helping
communities of color on police brutality, housing and other issues. People
in this town have grown up immensely in the past year [not that we didn't
have our shit together on a lot of stuff b4 that, but hey, optimism and
learning to REALLY do outreach can be fun sometimes].


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