On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, David Shemano wrote:

> analysis?  In other words, if Marx and his successors were, as a theoretical
> and empirical matter, wrong about the contradictions of capitalism as an
> economic system, 

Which successors? I hope you realize that Marxism has *nothing* to do with
Stalin, Mao or the propagandists of *any* one-party state. Marx never put
a time-limit on the demise of capitalism; his point was that capitalism as
a system is amazingly productive, but also shockingly destructive, and
that this isn't because of a few bad people, but because accumulation for
accumulation's sake is problematic. He was a radical democrat, a supporter
of free association, a free press, free speech, trade unions and taxes on
the rich. 20th century Marxism featured Walter Benjamin, social democracy,
Theodor Adorno, J.P. Sartre, the civil rights movement, and many other
wonderful things.

-- Dennis

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