The problem w/the marxist definitions is that,
while they may have some bearing on how economies
develop, they don't have much political, cultural,
or sociological meaning.  The $20K proprietor,
nurse, factory operative, and even security
guard have more in common with each other than any
of them do with a $150K artisan, from any practical
political standpoint, including a socialist or
marxist one.


 I'm curious - define "working class". Give me an
income range. For example, a self-employed carpenter
runs his own business and grosses 120k a year, is he
part of the "working class"? What about the computer
programmer who manages to pull down 90k per annum?
I've often wondered how to define terms such as
"working class", middle class, upper class, etc. and
where the income limits/ranges start for each one.


Mike Z. 
--- Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Ellen Frank wrote:
> >
> >>Personally, I don't see that Clinton's policies
> contributed to
> >>economic growth.
> >
> >Ok, so what gave us the longest expansion in U.S.
> history, and a 42% 
> >rise in real GDP?
> >
> >Doug
> Working-class revolts of the 60s & 70s got beat back
> (both in 
> struggles at the point of production and struggles
> for more 
> government expenditures on social programs), which
> restored 
> profitability while keeping inflation low. 
> Meanwhile, more women 
> than ever became incorporated into the labor force,
> expanding the 
> service sector.  Legal & illegal immigrants did the
> same.  The debt 
> crisis in the Third World got "resolved" _as far as
> the banks in rich 
> nations were concerned_, in that no debt cartel was
> formed & no 
> collective default took place.  The imposition of
> the SAPs on poor 
> nations scuttled import substitution (= destroyed
> potential 
> competitors), reducing them to their traditional
> neo-colonial roles 
> (= dependent suppliers of raw materials) and/or
> assemblers of 
> foreign-made parts in free trade zones for export. 
> The SAPs cut 
> wages, so they kept down commodity prices, which
> helped to maintain 
> economic growth without inflation in the USA. 
> Credit must be shared 
> among Clinton, Reagan, & Carter.
> In Japan & continental Europe, the working class did
> not get defeated 
> as badly as in the USA (& the UK), which explains
> the difference 
> between the latter & the former in economic
> performance.
> Yoshie

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