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International Finance Congress
Globalization Process and Hidden Menace of the Crisis of the World Reserve

 Dear colleagues!

 After analyzing the current performance and trends at the world stock
market, currency market, position U.S. dollar and the U.S. Government’s
obligations we and You as well not unfounded have been anxious with the
increasing number of publications concerning the feasible crisis of the U.S.
Federal Reserve System, world stock market and results in worrying rise of
inflation which will be tailed the depreciation the U.S.D., the core world
reserve currency.

In connection with the emerging tension both at the international finance
market and stock market as well, considerable fluctuation in the oil prices,
and some other indicators of instability in the financial world, a group
which composed of Russian and foreign financial analysts has made a decision
to call a special meeting to debate the current precrisis situation in order
to consider ways in which we can meet these challenges and elaborate an
optimum strategy for the authorities of financial structures in Russia and
in other emerging market economies.

Cautiously appraising such information we can see that negative predicts are
not only appear in various publications in Europe or the U.S.A., but even
several influential monetary policy experts and economists as George Soros,
Jeffrey Sax, Alexander Livshists, Nickolay Shmelev and others share these
negative apprehensions.

According to requests of potential participants of the Congress, materials
about International Finance Congress “Globalization Process and Hidden
Menace of the Crisis of the World Reserve Currencies”, (forecasts of the
sovereign defaults and their after-effects, lessons and new opportunities
for the emerging market economies) as well as terms and conditions have been
sent to them. The Organizing Committee is sure that, at any case, the above
assumptions can help participants of the Congress to take the right decision
about the composition of their currency portfolio and to indicate projects
for investments.

As the number of the participants for Congress is limited only top chief and
professionals with experience of long years work at the currency markets and
stock markets are invited. This forum is for professional audience therefore
the participation is only possible for people preregistered for the Congress
and its terms and conditions.

The Congress will focus on key issues and stabilization policy for U.S.D. in
several cases. Nowadays many financial experts perceive a trend towards
currency blocks based on the dollar, the euro and the yen. For a single
currency the euro to come anywhere near matching the dollar as the reserved
currency. The U.S.D. could receive another knock after circulation “the
golden yuan” as a main currency in the Asia-Pacific region. The situation
will be growing worse if payment for oil is made in the euro by Arab
countries. All these rather possible steps and trends make one be plunge in
a rather deep reverie how to protect and defend currency assets of the main
Russian and international financial structures. During last months cost of
gold is going up, and some largest companies (Microsoft for example)
invested heavily in silver mining. Therefore it indicates that the big
investors are looking for safe methods and ways to preserve their deposits
and investments. Nowadays the largest players at stock markets (particularly
Japanese public and private banks) are trying to release gradually their
portfolio from the U.S., Federal Reserve’s obligations and sell off U.S.
stocks forcing the value of U.S. dollar to fall.

All activities and processes mentioned above are developing too fast since
it is impossible to consider them as they have no coincidence. Therefore
they are demanding the immediate reaction.

There is every indicators instability in the financial world. The menace of
destabilization of the world financial system is growing since it can
provoke the outflow of U.S.D. from Asia and Europe as well to the U.S.A. It
is inadmissible to underestimate all these after-affects fraught with
consequences for Russia in particular.

Therefore the main theme of upcoming International Finance Congress
“Globalization Process and Hidden Menace of the Crisis of the World Reserve
Currencies” is stirring a lot of prominent policy-makers, bank circles. Many
of them have already confirmed their participation in this Congress. The
players at the bond and stock markets in Southeast and Middle East countries
focus their attention on the debate about stability U.S.D. as the core world
currency reserve. These issues are also interesting for members of staffs of
the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the International Finance
Corporation, the Association of Asian Banks, the Asian Development Bank, the
Europe Development Bank and others. All of them can impact on the situation
and slowing down the process of instability in the financial world as a
whole. The other main theme at the Congress is the Government’s role in the
maintenance of the financial stability, which had been put at the recent
world Economic Forum in Davos.

The task of two participants of this International Finance Congress is to
make out the difference between the speculation for a fall and hidden panic
at stock market using supplementary information and after weigh the pros and
cons, take steps to minimize financial losses of the states, big
corporations and private investors during crisis and postcrisis period.

Enormous interest of the largest, international financial information
agencies towards this Forum confirms that it is very timely to discuss all
these issues and stipulate the deeply thought-out and based on principle
solutions search on coming out of the arising crisis situation.

However when the secret information from the confidential sources is
discussed all representatives of mass media will be removed from the hall
since some prepared materials and abstracts are for the participants only,
since the publications of such materials can influence on the currency

Taking in consideration the importance of these key issues the Organizing
Committee is relying on participants’ assistance in notification about
upcoming International Finance Congress and its terms and conditions both
their Russian and foreign business partners and the prominent economists and

Once more we stress the urgency of this forum and the effective reaction on
it from all interested public and business structures. We believe also that
participation in International Finance Congress of large number of leading
financial specialists and politicians will keep the discussion in the right
course for the benefit of Russia.

International Finance Congress will be held on March 6-7 at the "Bor" hotel
and resort of The President's Administration Directorate of the Russian

Please confirm Your participation at the Congress not late than February 16,

We highly appreciate the cooperation with You.

With great respect
Chair of the
Organizing Committee
of the International Finance Congress
Topics of speech and issues for discussion
The opportunities occurred to Russia by the world financial crisis for its
new foreign policy and supporting the U.S. economy soft landing.

The crisis of the finance system of the U.S.A. in the new millennium.

The converting Russian state stocks and reserve currencies from the U.S.
dollars in the euro and the yuan.

The converting the assets of the Russian commercial banks in the euro and
the depositors’ funds into the independent currency.

The withdrawal the U.S. dollars from cash and draft in Europe and Asia.

New financial saving systems of the euro and the yuan. The yuan as the main
currency in the Asian region.

Dollar-depended economics and their policies during the global finance

The new targets: the economic growth and the investing opportunities in the
Asian countries and Russia.

China and other Asian countries’ finance systems are opened to the foreign

The new map of the financial world.
Converting the accounts for gas and oil from U.S. dollars in the euro by the
Arabian countries.

The unmotivated armed conflicts as the regulator of the financial and stock
markets’ fluctuations.

The sovereign default of the U.S. Federal Reserve System - two months’

Paying off the Russian foreign debts to the“ dollar - zone “ countries, the
London Club and the Paris Club as well under the devaluation of the U.S.

The external indebtedness to Russia into the state bonds and stock shares of
the natural resources (energy and gold-mining) companies.

The force-major circumstances for TNC and TNB in dealing with unhedged
contracts during the sovereign default of the U.S Federal Reserve System.

  The Agenda for the 6 of March

  The arrival and registration of the Russian and foreign participants
 Opening Ceremony of the Congress.    10.00
  Addresses by the officials of the Government of the Russian Federation,
representatives of the Asian countries and the officials of the European
Financial Structures.    10.00-10.20
  The speeches (according to the given thesises) of the directors of the
first-rate banks and the stock exchanges of the U.S.A., Europe and Asia.
China’s “golden Yuan“ as the main Asian currency.
The discussion of the problems, touched upon at the Davos Economic Forum.
 Coffee-break. The participants’ acquaintance with the expositions of the
Russian and foreign consulting and financial structures.    12.45-13.15
 The reports of the participants, representing the international financial
structures (according to the topics given below): The euro as the cash in
money circulation. Unmotivated armed conflicts as the regulator of the
financial and stock markets’ fluctuations.    13.15-14.45
 The analysis of the current performance at the international financial
market. (The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, The Federal Commission
for the Security Market, the Government stuff of the Russian Federation and
The Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation).
The converting the U.S. dollars into the euro of the oil accounts by the
Arabian countries.
The elaboration the optimal strategy in the crisis situation for the
financial structures of Russia and other emerging market economies.
 Coffee-break.    15.30-16.00
 The forecast for the development of the situation in the Russian Federation
in the pre-crisis and crisis periods based on Participants’ abstracts and
the Consulting companies’ and the first-rate economists’ reports.
The difference between “sell-short game” and hidden panic at the market
exchange and taking the actions to minimize the financial losses of the
countries, the first-rate corporations and the independent investors in the
crisis and post-crisis periods.    16.00-18.00
 Cocktail. Music. The participants’ talks on business matters during the
informal communications.

The Agenda for the 7 of March

  Breakfast ( for the residents of “Bor” )    9.00-10.00
  Opening the 2-nd day of the Congress work.
The investors’ searches for the reliable ways to preserve their deposits and
save investments.
Paying off foreign debts nominated in the U.S. dollars to the London and the
Paris Clubs by Russia.    11.00
 The reports of the representatives of the Russian regional financial
companies and banks.
The protection and safety of the currency assets of the international and
Russian first-rate financial structures. The increasing prices for gold and
other precious metals.    11.00-13.00
 Coffee-break.    13.00-13.45
The role of the State in avoiding the destabilization threat to the world
finance system. The outflow of the great part of the U.S. dollars from Asia
and Europe back to the U.S.A. The reappraisal of the indebtedness of the
debtor - countries to Russia into the state bonds stock shares and natural
resources (energy and gold-mining) companies.    13.45-16.30
  The Closing Ceremony of the Congress.
The foreign participants’ departure.    16.30
* In accordance with political and economic developments in the world some
topics could be changed and others could be touched upon more deeply.
  Application form for participation in the International Finance Congress.
It is possible to fill in application form right here:
 Information Sponsors
contact information
103918, Moscow, Gazetny per., 5
Tel.: (095) 229-8651, 229-1550, 229-7649
© Federal Foundation of Appraising, 2000
Found this my lurking on this far right listserv, the American Patriots
Friends Network. Michael Ruppert, is one of the more prolific researchers on
the CIA/Drug Smuggling story.
His website is here.
Here is the APFN e-mail. Given the proximity of the notorious neo-fascist,
Eustace Mullins, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve, " on the e-mail, >SECRETS
my paranoia debunking engine is in overdrive.Watch Lyndon LaRouche show up
with Stanislav Menshikov!
Michael Pugliese

-----Original Message-----
From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, February 12, 2001 4:07 PM

>Monday, 12-Feb-01 18:38:21
>FTW - (2/12/01) - Because of previous writings on world economic and
>political developments as influenced by the drug trade and organized
>criminal behavior, as well as our coverage of money laundering out of the
>Russian financial system, FTW has been invited to attend a special
>conference in Moscow next month. The conference organizers which include
>Russian Ministry of (Economic) Appraisal and other endorsing partners,
>including Reuters News Service, are seeking to address important
>"pre-crisis" issues attached to a potential crash of the U.S. stock market,
>Federal Reserve System and serious weakening of the U.S. dollar.
>Statements by the organizing committee indicate that attendance is severely
>limited to top financial executives from around the world and FTW is
>to have been among those invited to attend. Apparently our economic and
>political map is shared by others. This event represents a quantum leap
>forward in the making of a more accurate map of how money really works in
>the world.
>Two of the many topics on the table for discussion include possible
>conversion to the Euro dollar as a means of oil pricing and "Unmotivated
>armed conflicts as the regulator of financial and stock market
>fluctuations." This is the first time that FTW has ever seen an open
>reference to an economic strategy that we, who were on the fringes, have
>been writing about for years.
>A complete description of the event and the agenda is available on the
>wide web at
>The estimated cost for me to attend this conference is $3,000. Within 48
>hours of receiving this notice and verifying the authenticity of the
>sponsors we had received unsolicited pledges for $1,600 of that amount.
>conference is too important not to attend and several of our academic
>subscribers have strongly encouraged us to go.
>But we still need to raise $1,400.
>FTW has already committed to go and we have begun the process of
>registration and Visa applications. We do this because we know how
>it is to bring you the best information available in a highly fluid world
>If you would like to help FTW get to Moscow and bring you back information
>you will not get anywhere else please send your contribution immediately
>FTW - Conference
>P.O. Box 6061-350
>Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
>All subscribers who contribute more than $200 to this effort will be given
>automatic five year extensions to their subscriptions as a means of saying
>thank you. All monies contributed for this trip will be set aside and used
>for no other purpose. If - for any reason - FTW is unable to attend all
>monies will be promptly returned.
>Thank you all,
>Michael C. Ruppert
>"From The Wilderness"
>What's Money?
>the CIA laundered millions in drug profits from Mena and paid for
>Clinton's 1992 election campaign. by John Dee
>Vincent Foster and Waco
>Drug Kingpin's Release Adds to Clemency Uproar
>Indict Clinton for Bribery
>Clinton could be impeached again
>"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better
>than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask
>not your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those
>who feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you. May posterity forget
>that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

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