Peter wrote:
>Sam Insull, if I remember correctly, is the tycoon who paid a group of
>economists to develop the theory of "natural monopoly".  It justified the
>enforced monopoly status of the electrical utilities.

but didn't Adam Smith have a theory of "natural monopoly"?

I'm not rejecting the idea that capitalists sponsor economic theories 
though. I believe it was the BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS (Bell as in AT&T, 
back when AT&T had a monopoly) that pushed the theory that it was 
inefficient if small firms are allowed to "cream skim," to take those 
aspects of a natural monopoly's operations which don't have to be 
monopolistic to be profitable. It's an obviously self-serving theory, but 
it also makes a valid point. For example, United Parcel Service and Federal 
Express have cream skimmed from the U.S. Postal Service, leaving it with 
the unprofitable first class-mail service.


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