Lew Rockwell teaches there. See www.lewrockwell.com
A number of yrs. ago at the yearly confabs of the Randolph Club (or is it
Society?) in Philadelphia he let out a blast on the neo-cons. Russell Kirk
and Murray Rothbard (and Sam Francis of the racist Council of Conservative
Citizens agreed) in the yrs. before they died started a
peleo-con/paleo-libertarian atempt at convergence. See pieces by Michael
Massing & John Judis in TNR or other material on the net (I can get cites
from right-wing rags like Chronicles and the many books on the neo-cons, if
it isn't easily findable. Justin Raimondo at www.antiwar.com in his Behind
The Headlines column has had more to say.) on the neo vs. paleo wars.
  For starters see this from Sam Francis from a right-wing website opposed
to the bombings and sanctions on Iraq.
  Michael Pugliese
"NEOCONSERVATIVES" - WHAT AND WHO THEY ARE --Also see below for Addendums--
(2) Raimondo, (3) Wanniski (on China), (4) Samuel Francis--- (5) Neo-Trash
from New Republic

Kosovo was a neo-con "War Baby," they wanted it so much; now it's China and
Iran under threat--but any war will do

    Neoconservatives are pro-bombing, pro-empire heavyweight intellectuals
(very rarely a business or military background) who have filled the vacuum
on the Right, where most Americans have little interest in foreign policy.
They dominate Republican foreign policy because they care about it, whereas
most Americans don't.  NATO expansion was an example; most Americans don't
think about it and don't care.  "Neocons" do.  Also they heavily influence
the Democratic Party from whence they came.  They are close to European
Social Democrats, many of whom have also now favor pro-interventionist wars,
since the collapse of communism..    See Sieg Heil! by Alex Cockburn....
http://iraqwar.org/ (Americans Against World Empire)
Michael Pugliese

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:8366] Mises University

>It turns out there's a Mises University, in Auburn Alabama (see
>http://www.mises.org/). Like Doug, they question the "newness" of the U.S.
>new economy. In the spirit of von Mises, I'd bet that the university is
>totally unplanned, since the professors have much more information than any
>central planner could. Further, I bet they use the market to assign
>grades... After all, who could be a better judge of what grade a student
>deserves than the student him or herself?
>Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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