Just by the way, the Mises Institute is on the perimeter of Auburn's campus
(the "loveliest village on the plain" as they call it here); it doesn't have
much to do with Auburn's campus or the way it's run. (Indeed, the university
is currently micromanaged by a local banker who resembles _the Simpsons_'
Mr. Burns, only without Burns sense of humor and good looks. Bobby Lowder,
Auburn's Burns-manque, gets his fingers into everything--and even did away
with (what I understand was ) a decent economics Ph.D. program a few years
ago. It is also common knowledge that the last football coach here--the most
successful in decades--was fired b/c Lowder didn't like him.) Certainly no
spontaneous working of the markets to be seen anywhere near here.

I've been meaning to check out the place. Maybe I'll run by there today.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Devine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:10 PM
> Subject: [PEN-L:8366] Mises University
> It turns out there's a Mises University, in Auburn Alabama (see
> http://www.mises.org/). Like Doug, they question the "newness" of the U.S.
> new economy. In the spirit of von Mises, I'd bet that the university is
> totally unplanned, since the professors have much more information than
> central planner could. Further, I bet they use the market to assign
> grades... After all, who could be a better judge of what grade a student
> deserves than the student him or herself?
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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