At 10:00 AM 3/6/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Michael Yates wrote:
>>Two comments:  Most teachers are not
>>very good at it and do not take the time to learn how to teach

Doug writes:
>Do any graduate programs actually teach people how to teach?

At UC-Berkeley in the 1970s, there was a program encouraging better 
teaching by teaching assistants (of which I was one).  It involved videoing 
one's teaching, etc., so one could learn from one's errors. (Harvard 
economics had a similar program, I learned later.) It was voluntary, so 
naturally I abstained. That decision contributed to my being canned by 
Occidental College in 1984, because my teaching "wasn't good enough." Of 
course, there were other things going on there (like ideological conflict).


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