Actually, good teaching is a negative in hiring.  It can always be
explained away.  He/she had low standards.  I saw that pulled on the best
teacher in my department in Berkeley.

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 10:26:04PM -0500, Nathan Newman wrote:
> What is sad is that teaching is so little respected in hiring decisions.  I
> have to say that I was incredibly spoiled getting to go to the small liberal
> arts college thing.  At Amherst, students sat on hiring committees and
> student letters would kill a prof coming up for tenure if he or she stunk,
> so the faculty either were good teachers or learned how to do it at an
> acceptable level.  It amazes me that at both Berkeley and Yale, really
> terrible teaching is allowed to exist and it makes almost no difference in
> hiring and tenure decisions.
> My basic attitude is that a good teacher, even with conservative politics,
> is a far more radical thing than a radical prof who sucks at teaching.  A
> good teacher awakens excitement and engagement and I think that is
> ultimately more likely to lead to radical reevaluation of the world and
> possibilities.
> It is the deadening of imagination that most breeds apathy and acceptance of
> the status quo.
> It's not that I denigrate radical scholarship, since I'm a good consumer of
> it, but there is no question in my mind that my radicalism was more fed by
> the good teachers I had early in life, and not necessarily just the radical
> ones, far more than any particular book I may have read.
> -- Nathan Newman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Yates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 8:39 PM
> Subject: [PEN-L:8698] Re: Re: farewell to academe
> Nathan,
> Your comments are very well taken.  Two comments:  Most teachers are not
> very good at it and do not take the time to learn how to teach
> effectively.  Second, new teachers, including progressives, say that
> they cannot make waves til they get tenure. But passivity becomes a
> habit, and it is rare inded that a professor who kept quiet for 7 years
> suddenly becomes a troublemaker.  I have supported for tenure some
> persons with whom I had sharp political disagreements just because they
> were troublemakers from the start.
> Michael Yates
> Nathan Newman wrote:
> >
> > I have to say that I have great sympathy for Michael's commentary on left
> > academia.  I never really intended to be an academic, although there were
> > short periods when I considered it while working on my Ph.D., but the
> > biggest deterrent was that I didn't want "to be" any of the folks I saw in
> > the professoriat-- talking the talk but doing almost nothing to engage
> snip

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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