>But the idea that the left cannot be taken for granted is profoundly 
>frightening to Dems.

And profoundly heart-gladdening for Republicans.

>The idea that we might be able to exercise real power is absolutely 
>terrifying. If we are to put together a winning party, it means 
>taking votes from Dems, and throwing several elections to the GOP:

And with high probability fail to put together a winning party. 
Meditate on Margaret Thatcher, and how she was able to transform 
Britain only because the fragments of the Labour Party were too busy 
trying to make sure that their fragment would be the core of a 
"winning party"--and throwing elections to the Tories.

In the meantime, thanks for the repeal of ergonomic rules, thanks for 
the abandonment of planning how to regulate CO2, thanks for this 
extraordinarily regressive tax cut...

Brad DeLong

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