Nathan wrote:

>...It just does not cut it to argue that Nader voters did not help elect

We could only have "helped elect" Bush if Bush had in fact been elected.
Which, of course, was the opposite of what happened...

>National exit polls said that half of Nader voters would have supported
>Vice>President Al Gore had Nader not been on the ticket. Thirty percent
>said they
>would not have voted and the rest would have gone for Bush.
>In Florida, that would have translated into an additional 30,000 vote margin
>for Gore.

This counterfactual, plus rotten data (no option to vote for any other
allows no inference about the Florida vote.  If I had voted in Florida,
and Nader had not been on the ballot, I would most certainly have
voted proudly for David McReynolds, the Socialist candidate, who *was*
on the Florida ballot.  Absent a Nader option, why should any voter
disgusted enough with Gore and Clinton to vote instead for the
leftist Nader-LaDuke ticket, *not* have voted for McReynolds?
Do you know of a single Florida voter whose electoral preferences
went 1) Nader, 2)Gore, 3)McReynolds?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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