David Shemano wrote:

>This is a very interesting theory you have.  Whatever the government does,
>by definition, is in the long-term class interests of
>industry/business/bourgeois/guys who wear tophats/play golf, even if the
>industry strenuously opposes the government action.  No wonder Marxist
>analysis is never wrong.

The bourgeoisie as a whole could want one thing, and specific 
industrial or regional interests another. Happens all the time, 
doesn't it? The executive branch is supposed to act in the best 
interests of capital as a whole.

Do you read the Politics & Policy page of the Wall Street Journal, 
which has almost daily coverage of the role of big money in U.S. 
politics? Almost everything I read on that page confirms a Marxian 
understanding of how the state works.


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