>    The CATO author cites studies showing the airfares are much lower than
>would have been under regulation.  The Brookings studies do some clever
>to get their results of lower fares but I find them at the level of hoax.
>    I do enjoy flying cheaply, though.  I'm in the category of the best
>Gene Coyle

One of the things that we must not lose track of is that this is not just
about cheaper fares. As I took great pains to point out, deregulation
created an atmosphere unfavorable to labor. The airlines served as a
laboratory for all sorts of anti-trade union measures, from two-tiered wage
systems to "creative bankruptcy". If cheaper fares are the result of
attacks on working people, which is clearly the case rather than improved
technologies, etc., then we have made a pact with the devil.

Louis Proyect
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