On Tue, 29 May 2001, Louis Proyect wrote:

> >Am.  Or at least explain to us how Frank's understanding of Lat. Am. is
> >superior to Petras's or Zeitlin's.
> >
> >Steve
> I have read Petras extensively. I consider him useful but ultraleft,
> especially on Nicaragua. However, he has not written that much about the
> 16th to 18th century which is of particular interest to me. As far as
> Zeitlin is concerned, I do plan to dismantle him at some point but for the
> post I am filing tomorrow my concentration will be on Colin Leys, another
> "ortho-Marxist", neo-Kautskyite.

That's an interesting position. You have not read Zeitlin, but before even
reading him you plan to dismantle him.

> Why don't you read and defend Zeitlin yourself? It would be of more use to
> PEN-L than the smirking provocations you waste our time with.

How do you know I'm smirking when I write these posts. Amazing powers you
have all the way over there in the Big Apple. I have read Zeitlin, what
charges do I have to defend him against? That his former student is a


> Louis Proyect
> Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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