On Tue, 29 May 2001, Louis Proyect wrote:

> >How do you know I'm smirking when I write these posts. Amazing powers you
> >have all the way over there in the Big Apple.
> I don't know you if you are smirking or not, but I am glad that you don't
> deny you are writing provocations.

I didn't even notice I was 'provoking'.  I thought I was just pointing out
some basic contradictions in your claims to superior knowledge or your
attacks on people you have decided are 'eurocentric' or fools etc... As
for arguing with your points, I think James Devine has done a far more apt
job than I am able to do and all he has gotten for that has been the
refusal to even admit that he is doing a good job of it, even though he
disagrees with you.  The way you argue I get the sense that Devine is a
bigger enemy of the people than Reagan...and about as dumb a one also...

> >I have read Zeitlin, what
> >charges do I have to defend him against? That his former student is a
> >Pinochetist?
> The question is not whether there are charges against him. Rather it is
> whether his analysis can clarify our understanding of such phenomena as
> indentured servitude, etc. Basically since you have done nothing but drop
> his name, I don't know if he is relevant to our discussions.

He damn sure is.  It's wierd, you ask me all the time to put out longer
pieces. Every time I do something like that people (as I did about the
work of Raymond Lau on the political economy of privatization in China
about a year ago or so), end up discussing something else unrelated. The
piece on Lau's work ended up generating a 'debate' on property
rights...The debate was kind of interesting but not really related to
any of the major issues that Lau's work dealt with.  I guess you could say
after that experience I just decided to go back to short comments.  Or I
humbly cede the all out debate to people who have demonstrated the
capacity to do that with you (even though you don't even grant them that


> Louis Proyect
> Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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