If truth is whole, Hegelian truth would do well to be studied in the context
of the whole of German philosophy, if not world philosophy. The sudden
re-start, in medias res, in the wake of Kant and the mysterious decade of the
1790's as Kant's system is a) transcended b) plundered of the mummy starting
with Fichte (take your pick a la carte) by the Hegelian system, followed by
the Marxist transposition, generates a subset of a subset in the name of the
whole, and is insidious. Tom Rockmore's Before and After Hegel gives a good
account, though slanted toward Hegel (cf. also the recent Cambridge German
all the less known figures here). The left has suffered grievously from this
process, and any future left needs to recast its foundations in a better
disposition than the materialism-idealism duality, which serves only to drive
theory into crypto-metaphysical positivist lowball, after the original
Kantian balanced challenge and double whammy as to empricism and metaphysical
I was looking at Janeway's book on Schopenhauer where he opens by noting the
similarity with the early Marx (?!) as the mystery self induces the struggle
with the Kantian legacy here. Remarkable, but all is soon lost and the
confusing reversal of Hegel makes the latter almost seem a mirror image
reversal as 'materialism'.
If there really is a Geist he must have been quite a devil and had a lot of
fun making fun of the victims of this over-complexified legedermain.

John Landon
Website on eonic effect

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