Greetings Economists,
Louis Proyect writes in three recent emails,

"What I notice is your refusal to call South Africa noncapitalist."
([PEN-L:13471] Re: Re: Progress (was No agrarian revo?))

"Evasion." (PEN-L:13470] Re: Re: No agrarian revo?)

"Their mommies and daddies had sex?" ([PEN-L:13473] Re: Re: Precapitalist
South Africa?)

All addressed to Yoshie.  The brevity of the answers and the insulting lack
of content in the last one indicate to me a lack of willingness to do the
work of a real debate.  I do not think Yoshie deserves to be treated this
way.  Or perhaps exhaustion of thought upon the subject is showing up and a
lack of ability to rein in if one has nothing to say.  At any rate I would
like to see a higher standard applied to such exchanges.  One sentence
replies contribute nothing to the scholarly level that Lou frequently
demands of these exchanges.  Perhaps sometimes a rapid reply does contribute
a light touch, but I think the above examples are not so much witticism but
oppressive repetition.
Doyle Saylor

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