>"Advanced" capitalist class relations from the _beginning_ of the 
>conquest of the New World?  From the days of Columbus's extraction of 
>tributes from the Arawaks & then his enslavement of them, which (in 
>addition to smallpox) led to genocide?

That's the reason "advanced" was in quotes. I was being mordant.

>Slavery & other forms of unfree labor in the New World, too, evolved 
>-- *not* independently of the development of relations & forces of 
>production in the colonizers' countries of origin -- which also 
>changed the modes of slave resistance, or that's how C. L. R. James 
>analyzes the class dialectic of slavery and resistance to it.

This sounds like an argument you have already made. In any case, I will
allow you to have the last word because this thread is obviously exhausted. 

Louis Proyect
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