>Lou, even if I agreed with you (and I do partly) I would _still_
>consider your posts on the Aztecs yammering. The question is how do we
>_get_ to a place where it makes any difference. Write some more posts on
>your theory of the Party -- those aren't yammering. Write some posts on
>how we can convince people that they should mobilize to hamstring U.S.
>participation in or incitement of NATO or UN peacekeeping. We need to
>mobilize an army, not dream about how to save the earth a century or so
>_after_ that army is mobilized.

Actually, the things that Mark Jones, I and the late Jim Blaut write serve
as a pole of attraction for the kind of Marxists I am trying to hook up
with internationally. For example, John Enyang--a Kenyan mathematics
graduate student on the Marxism list--understands them completely. So do
people like Michael Yates, Jim Craven and many of the people on the world
systems network whose vision of Marxism is much closer to my own. By
emphatically making the case that capitalism was RESPONSIBLE FOR THE
DEVELOPMENT OF UNDERDEVELOPMENT, I hope to continue to win people to my
vision of Marxism. Right now the Marxism mailing list has around 350
subscribers in over 20 different countries, including those from the most
oppressed regions. We have Turkish, Brazilian, Lebanese, African and East
Asian subscribers represented to a much greater degree proportionately than
other leftwing mailing lists. So I plan to continue to push my vision of
Marxism, which is very close to Mark's even if we disagree on Stalin. And
close to Nestor's even if we disagree on 17th century class relations in
Peru. And close to Charles Brown, even though we disagree on the Democratic
Party. But for the people who continue to regard Mark and I as romantics or
reactionaries or deep ecologists, I say have a nice day and go find
like-minded people.

Louis Proyect
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