The issue, as I see it, is that Justin thinks that he has the right to decide what 
questions and issues are discussed in open and public forums. If you raise questions 
about the relationship of ideological left organizations and the trade union movement 
that he does not approve of, he calls you a "red baiter." If you refuse to be 
intimidated by that tactic, he descends into personal attacks of a most vitroilic 
type. And if that doesn't work at silencing you, then he is going to call upon the 
list moderator to do it.

For all of his pieties about liberal democracy and free speech, what we have here is 
nothing but a naked authoritarian attempt to silence the expression of views he does 
not apporve of. If he thinks for one moment I am going to censor what I have to say 
about the trade union movement and the relationship of left organizations to it, 
opinions which come from years of activist work in goth venue, because of his tirades, 
he has another guess coming.

Leo Casey

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