It seems that some people think that the only way a thread ends here is when
they get to finish it with an unanswered ad hominem attack. Maybe they get
that idea because Michael sits by quietly while they do it, even though he
had said that the thread had ended. And maybe they get that idea because when
they are rude, obnoxious and unprincipled enough, having the equivalent of a
listserv temper tantrum, Michael will give them have their way by stopping
threads they don't like.

But since I am not in the mood at this moment to have my name further
assaulted by authoritarians of the "left" without reply...

1. It is a matter of pride to me that I am on the filter list of self-avowed
Stalinists like Carrol Cox. I would be disappointed if I were not.

2. Self-avowed Stalinists like Charles Brown wouldn't know what free speech
was if it ran them over.

3. The accusation of "red-baiting," as it has been employed here, is the last
refuge of those who can't and won't engage in open and honest debate.

Charles Brown wrote:
<< As I see it on this thread, you started out trying to discredit Greg
Tarpinian's report on the Teamster's convention by redbaiting and guilt by
association, and now I come back a little while later and you are claiming
your freedom of speech is being harmed But what was your original redbaiting
but cutting off discourse ?  So, it is difficult to be sympathetic to your
complaints below.The simple question ( or one of them) is did Tarpinian
accurately report that the Teamsters changed their constitution to provide
for direct election of officers ? If so , that is a democratic advance worthy
of the history of TDU, and your speculations about Tarpianian being
opportunist or motivated by anti-Trotskyism ( not to mention part of a
Communist Party front)  is the original discouse-dampening move on this
thread. Charles Brown >>

Leo Casey
United Federation of Teachers
260 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10010-7272 (212-598-6869)

Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never has, and it never will.
If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation are men who
want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain without thunder and
lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters.

-- Frederick Douglass --

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