At 03:46 PM 8/17/01 -0400, you wrote:
>All well-taken.  The political problem, as I see it, is that
>critics of these people have no counter-science, theory, or
>evidence.  They are reduced to emotionalism.  The best they
>can do is ask people like me to find errors in the other
>side's arguments.  But all I can do is find errors given
>the operating premises of the other side, which is like
>spotting them a pair of touchdowns.

but what about the doubts by NC types about the NC economists' own theory? 
See below, for example. In addition, there's a growing body of experimental 
evidence indicating that we should reject the “economists’ canonical 
assumption that individuals are entirely self-interested: in addition to 
their own material pay-offs, many experimental subjects appear to care 
about fairness and reciprocity, are willing to change the distribution of 
material outcomes at personal cost, and are willing to reward those who do 
not, even when these actions are costly to the individual” (Henrich, 
Joseph, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert 
Gintis, and Richard McElreath. 2001. In Search of Homo Economicus: 
Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies. _American Economic 
Review_. 91(2) May: 73-78.) If the standard economic view of humanity is 
avoided, perhaps the standard version of cost-benefit analysis will be 

August 11, 2001
Averse to reality

A GREAT deal of economic theory turns on how people cope with risk-one of 
the least escapable facts of economic life. The model that most economists 
rely on when they need to take account of risk in their pure or applied 
research is expected-utility theory. The trouble is, this theory has 
implications so absurd that it cannot be true.

People are commonly observed to be "risk averse" in everyday life-that is, 
they reject better-than-fair gambles. Suppose you were offered a 50-50 bet 
that paid you $11 if you won and cost you $10 if you lost. Given the odds 
and the pay-offs, the expected return for accepting this bet is 50 cents 
(50% of $11 less 50% of $10); and since this is a positive number, the 
gamble looks attractive. The fact that many people do turn down such bets 
does not trouble expected-utility theory. It has an explanation: 
diminishing marginal utility. As your wealth rises, each extra dollar is 
worth less to you than the previous one. Because the utility of extra 
wealth declines, it is not necessarily illogical to attach a lower 
subjective value to the upside of the gamble (50% of $11) than to the 
downside (50% of $10). All seems well: the facts and the theory sit 
comfortably together.

Unfortunately, if you think about it, they do not, as Matthew Rabin of the 
University of California, Berkeley, and Richard Thaler of the University of 
Chicago point out in a recent article*. Consider the bet described in the 
previous paragraph, and imagine some unremarkably risk-averse person who 
turns it down. Now ask yourself this: knowing nothing else about the 
person, and assuming expected-utility theory to be true, how big a prize 
would you need to offer in a 50-50 bet to persuade him to risk losing $100?
Knowing he turned down the $11 prize, you might guess it would have to be 
more than $110. Would $220 be enough? The expected pay-off of that bet 
would be $60 (50% of $220 less 50% of $100). Looks good-yet our putative 
risk-avoider would still turn it down. Things get worse. What about $2,000? 
He would turn that down as well. All right, $20,000. No, still too risky. 
Very well, $2m; wait, what the heck, $2 billion. Still no. Given only what 
you know about this risk-avoiding person, plus the truth of 
expected-utility theory, you are forced to conclude that he will reject any 
50-50 bet costing $100, regardless of the prize.

Risk-aversion of this degree is literally insane-yet rational, according to 
the theory. What is going on? To understand what the theory is doing, as Mr 
Rabin and Mr Thaler explain, you need to follow along with some arithmetic. 
Suppose that the person's initial wealth is W. Then rejecting the original 
lose-$10 gain-$11 bet implies that on average he values each of the dollars 
between W and (W + 11) by at most ten-elevenths of the average value he 
puts on dollars between W and (W - 10). This implies that the value he puts 
on the W + 11th dollar is at most ten-elevenths of the value he puts on the 
W - 10th dollar. In effect, then, our subject's marginal utility of wealth 
falls as his wealth rises, and rises as his wealth falls, at a rate of 
around 10% for every change of $21. This phenomenally powerful multiplier 
so inflates the value he attaches to a loss of $100, and so deflates the 
value he attaches to any gains, that no gain can be big enough to make the 
bet seem attractive.

The absurdity, as Mr Rabin and Mr Thaler emphasise, is not a trick 
reflecting particular assumptions, but is wired into the standard theory. 
"Expected-utility theory says risk attitudes derive solely from changes in 
marginal utility associated with fluctuations in lifetime wealth. Hence, 
the theory says that people will not be averse to risks involving monetary 
gains and losses that do not alter lifetime wealth enough to affect 
significantly the marginal utility one derives from that lifetime wealth." 
The theory, in other words, implies that people should be risk-neutral 
towards gambles involving small stakes-but they aren't.

Odds and ends

The question is, how to make sense of the fact that people will reject 
small-stake gambles and yet accept, as they are wont to, moderate-stake 
gambles provided the terms are good. The authors call for an approach based 
on two ideas (both mentioned on earlier occasions in this space): loss 
aversion and mental accounts.

Loss aversion is the idea that people feel the pain of a loss more acutely 
than the pleasure of a gain of equal size: changes in wealth, and their 
direction, are what count, regardless of levels. This directly explains why 
people turn down even very small gambles with positive expected gains. 
Mental accounting plays a complementary role. It is the idea that people 
judge financial risks in isolation, rather than alongside overall wealth 
and other risks. Small, better-than-fair gambles may look irresistible in 
relation to total wealth, because any losses will be negligible in that 
context; judged in isolation, especially given loss aversion, such gambles 
are much easier to turn down.

The authors argue that such decision isolation is pervasive, and explains 
many otherwise perplexing features of economic life-from the 
"equity-premium puzzle" to the otherwise contradictory facts that (a) 
lotteries are popular and (b) people are willing to pay outlandish prices 
to insure themselves against easily affordable losses (as with, for 
instance, optional extended warranties on consumer durables). The evidence 
against the expected-utility approach seems overwhelming, and the broad 
shape of an alternative, thanks to the earlier work of Mr Thaler and 
others, is reasonably clear. The greatest puzzle, perhaps, is that the old 
theory has not yet been discarded.

*"Anomalies: Risk Aversion" By Matthew Rabin and Richard Thaler. Journal of 
Economic Perspectives, Volume 15, Number 1.

Copyright © 2001 The Economist


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