Last point on this: I wonder if Chile et. al. really fell because they
were not repressive enough? Could it have something to do with the fact
that in all the cases mentioned, the military were reactionary, and thus
ready to overthrow the democratically chosen govenrments? (The only
exception to this - Nicaragua, was faced with the previous military more
or less intact as a Rebel force.]

> michael perelman wrote:
> >
> > Nicely put.
> >
> > Jim Devine wrote:
> > A party's dictatorship is justified in the
> > > end only if it uses it to build popular power. Unfortunately, the US and
> > > other imperialist powers consistently push these parties to make the
> > > decisions that make the most sense militarily rather than democratically.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Michael Perelman
> > Economics Department
> > California State University
> > Chico, CA 95929
> >
> > Tel. 530-898-5321

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