At 19/11/01 11:11 -0500, Robert Needham wrote:
>Greg Scoflield has raised interesting issues. I am more pessimitic than he.
>But there are some optimistic predetermined milestones. If one defines a
>democratic socialist society as one moving in the direction of equality of
>citizenship and equality of human rights then,

I suggest that equality is a separate dimension which does not necessarily 
define socialism.

In marxist terms there are two main candidates for the axis behind the 
definition of socialism

1) the social ownership rather than  private ownership of the means of 

2) the buying and selling of labour power as a commodity.

Axis 1, is that which defines the fuzzy boundary between capitalism and 
socialism. Greg seems to be arguing that we are further advanced in this 
direction than narrow mechanical leftist thinking assumes.

Axis 2 defines the fuzzy boundary between socialism and communism. This has 
not been discussed in this thread much, but the limitations on the role of 
the free market is creating more space for this to be broken down with 
other forms of collaborative labour other than that mediated by commodity 
production, growing.

However *inequality* is recognised under socialism in terms of to each 
according to his work, and therefore in a mixed economy moving, in its 
forms towards socialism, inequality, even though it may arise from other 
factors, is not a defining variable.

Equality was a goal of the French Revolution but is not necessarily a goal 
of communism, which is a society in which people have according to their 
very possibly unequal needs.

I think Robert raises an important thread in the political struggles going 
on through the socialist transition about the role of rights, but it is not 
the defining axis of socialism as such.

Broadly I suggest that individual bourgeois right will be restricted and 
replaced with collective social right that recognises the concrete nature 
of rights in their actual social and economic context. Paradoxically they 
may be advanced by class actions: eg all those who got lung cancer arguably 
as a result of the private control of the means of production.

I hope that does not sound negative about the role of equality in the 
socialist transition, but as part of a collaborative project I think we 
need to debate and sharpen up our definitions of the core processes going 
on in the world.

Chris Burford


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