"Per Gunnar Berglund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this to the
Post Keynesian list


No economics prize was included in the will of Alfred Nobel. It
instigated by the Bank of Sweden, but is all too often featured
as an
official Nobel Prize. Alfred Nobel was basically an idealist and
of business, write four of Nobel's relatives.

We the signatories are the grandchildren of some of Alfred
Nobel's brother
Ludvig's children. They belonged to the siblings who stood
behind their eldest brother-in-law Emanuel when he gave his full
support to
the executor of the will, Ragnar Sohlman, in his long and arduous
to make the last wishes of Alfred Nobel gain legal force. Neither
Alfred nor
Emanuel Nobel's correspondence - nor Ragnar Sohlman's 'A
Testament, the
History of the Nobel Foundation and its Founders' (Norstedts
1950) - give any indication that any of them would have opposed
criticising the fact that the 'Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic
Sciences in
Memory of Alfred Nobel' is awarded as if it were a Nobel Prize.

At the Bank of Sweden's tercentenary in 1968, a 'Prize in
Economic Science
in Memory of Alfred Nobel' was instituted on the government's
The Nobel Foundation consulted the only surviving of Ludvig
children, Dr. Marta Nobel-Olienikoff, who could not prevent the
of the Prize, in spite of her being anything but enthusiastic
about the
proposition. She emphasized, however, that under no circumstances
must the
Prize be called a 'Nobel Prize'. The Nobel Foundation was thus
cajoled to
administer the awarding of the Prize, which ever since the
following year
has been concurrent with, and using the same ceremonies, as the
awarding of
the Nobel Prizes that Alfred Nobel had donated through his will.
While it is
true that the Bank of Sweden Prize is called by its right name at
ceremonies in the Concert Hall, little distinction is made
between this
Prize and the Nobel Prizes.

Can it be characterised as anything but than deceptive that,
e.g., members
of the Royal Academy of Science's Committee for the Bank of
Sweden Prize can
publish and sell the lectures held by Economics Prize laureates
in a volume
entitled 'Nobel Lectures in Economic Sciences' (Stockholm:
University Press and Singapore: World Scientific, 1992) - even if
this is
uncalled for?

An internet search the other day yielded 399 returns on the
phrase 'Nobel
Prize in Economics'. Out of these, many were derived from famous
universities. Only a few mentioned in a subtitle the 'official'
name of the
Prize. The Nobel Foundation has not visibly reacted upon the
request by the
Swedish Academy (1997) that the Economics Prize be awarded at a
ceremony, nor upon the timid call, by some family members, for
Foundation to henceforth emphasise that the Economics Prizes are
not Nobel

For the greater part of the world press, and thus for most
people, the Economics Prize has gradually become a Nobel Prize
amongst the
others, which is misleading. One forgotten objection to the name
that the
Economics Prize has obtained around the world does appear
self-evident: Had
Alfred Nobel really wanted something of the kind, then he would
mentioned it in his will. But the fact is he did not, and
therefore the Bank
of Sweden Prize should not be regarded a Nobel Prize.

We propose, therefore, that the Nobel Foundation and all other
Committees, when this Prize, in its abbreviated form, is
mentioned before
the press, other media, and the general public, correctly call it
the 'Bank
of Sweden Prize'. Perhaps that would amount to the 'Bank Prize'
in common

What, then, was Alfred Nobel's opinion about economic theorising?
It is a
paradox that he, while doubtless successful in economic terms,
spoke in negative or even sarcastic terms about such activity:
"There is no
reason whatsoever why I, who have no education in business and
who detest it
with all of my heart, should be tortured with all this business
about which
I know little more than does the Man in the Moon." In a reply to
his brother
Ludvig he stated as his biggest flaw that he 'did not worship
Mammon'. His
correspondence is tinted by these tones. Alfred Nobel did not
wish to view
himself as a wealthy industrialist, but as a scientist and

The fundamental thought in Alfred Nobel's testament was that the
should be awarded to those 'who in the year past have done
mankind the
greatest good'. It is a Swedish and indeed a global interest to
the idealism that carries Alfred Nobel's will and the work
carried out in
its spirit.

Signed by:

Anders Ahlqvist,
Professor, Galway, Ireland

Johan Ahlqvist
Professor, Västanfjärd, Finland

John Hylton
Jurist, QC, Toronto, Canada

Peter Nobel
Jur.Dr., h.c., Uppsala, Sweden


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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