Max Sawicky wrote:

> Selective pacifism reflects confusion.
> Consistent pacifism is not confused; it's just wrong.

where is the confusion? if i state a theory and explicitly specify the
outliers, would you call that confused? if i were to say "i am a pacifist
in the sense that i oppose all use of violence except when used in
self-defense in situations where there is a direct threat to my life and
limb", would you a) disagree with my use of the word pacifist? or b) call
my position confused?


man is said to be a rational animal. i do not know why he has not been defined
as an affective or feeling animal. more often i have seen a cat reason than
laugh or weep. perhaps it weeps or laughs inwardly - but then perhaps, also
inwardly, the crab resolves equations of the 2nd degree. -- alasdair macintyre.

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