Hayek also argued for privately issued money.  Of course, bank in the US issued
money in the early nineteenth century, causing enormous confusion -- sort of
like an Enron-inspired banking federal reserve.

Steve Diamond wrote:

> David Friedman, the anarcho-capitalist son of Milton, has a piece arguing
> for private money.  The problem I see with the state power/fiat money
> argument is that there are lots of instruments out there that should qualify
> as money that are not creatures of state creation.  A recent article in one
> of the Hayekian journals actually makes this kind of argument in a
> discussion of money market funds - which, of course, have no reserve
> requirements.
> Stephen F. Diamond
> School of Law
> Santa Clara University


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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