>But this is a perfect example of a fallacy of marginalism.  I think the
>strongest anti-LTV/LOV case that you could make in this direction would be
>that LTV/LOV don't "add anything to what can be explained by" neoclassical
>marginal/general equilibrium theory.

I don't accept GET. I'm basically a Robinsonian/Kaleckian institutionalist 
with a large dash of Austrian thrown in for spice.

But even that would be open to the
>objection that it was also true that NC theory didn't "add anything" to
>LTV/LOV.  It all depends where you start from ...

No, I think the LTV fails on its own terms. We do not have empirically 
equivalent theories. We have a theory that points us in the direction of 
some good expalantions that can be stated with its apparatus.

>And in any case, LTV has the considerable technical merit over NC theory

No doubt. That's not the only alternative.


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