At 30/04/02 23:46 +0100, I wrote:

>It is therefore a matter of *principle* for a left winger in France *to* 
>vote for Chirac in the next round of the presidential elections and to 
>argue why, and to argue why it is also necessary to continue the criticism 
>of Chirac and to get a better left vote in the assembly elections, and to 
>continue campaigning for progressive causes outside the assembly.

Yesterday was encouraging.

This united front promises some further opportunities for leftists within 
it. Provided they do not fall into the trap of all unity and no struggle 
within the united front. But with a million on the streets, why should they?

The battle of principle however must also be won against those who distort 
marxism to argue that it would be "class teachery" to vote for Chirac in 
the present circumstances.

IMHO of course.

Chris Burford


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