>>From: Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>... Also the left needs to make politics fun....
>>Most important, as I mentioned before, I believe that a positive vision is
>>necessary for ultimate success.
>Amen.  The truest words I've read this year.

It's not that leftists have no positive vision to offer.  The problem 
is that if leftists offered a positive vision of what a good society 
should be like and tried to mobilize people on the basis of that 
vision, there would be a very small demo indeed.  For instance, a 
positive vision of a good society, for most leftists here, includes 
gender equality, sexual liberation, etc.; for a large number of 
Muslims who made the DC demo big and energetic, such ideas may not be 
part of their positive visions yet.  They agree with us on opposition 
to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, but beyond that, 
on what else do they agree with us?  I'm simply using Muslims as an 
example here, and with all other likely constituencies that leftists 
can help mobilize for this or that cause, the same kind of problem 
exists, I think.  Hence the predominance of protest politics (= 
saying no to this or that).  Hence the proliferation of issue-based 
and identity-based groups, movements, etc.

* Calendar of Events in Columbus: 
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/activist.html>
* Student International Forum: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osu.edu/students/CJP/>

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